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Ways to Make New Friends After 60

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Life becomes an exciting adventure after retirement; it’s full of social opportunities, strong friendships, and love. But for many older adults over the age of 60, it can be difficult to think of ways to build a relationship with the people around them. So, how can older adults make new friends?

For older adults looking to make new friends after 60, it helps to:

  • Join a hobby group
  • Start exercising
  • Meet your neighbors
  • Take a class
  • Volunteer in the community
  • Utilize technology
  • Make the move to senior living

Join a Hobby Group

Hobbies are essential; they let you enjoy your favorite activities, decompress, and spend time doing something you love. So why not make a point to share your passion with others?

Hobbies are a fantastic way to connect with like-minded individuals, and joining a hobby group can be a simple yet efficient way to socialize and bond with others. Whether you enjoy knitting, painting, or playing chess, there’s likely a group out there that shares your passion. Joining a hobby group not only gives you a chance to socialize, but also allows you to engage in activities you love.

For instance, many cities offer knitting circles, book clubs, and gardening groups. These gatherings provide a space to meet new people while doing something you enjoy. Meanwhile, engaging in a shared activity can make conversations flow more naturally, helping you to bond with others effortlessly.

Start Exercising

Physical activity is great for your health, but it can also be a wonderful way to meet new people. It offers numerous opportunities to socialize and connect while working to improve your physical health.

Our community offers fitness programs for older adults, designed to cater to different levels of ability. For instance, you can try:

  • Walking groups
  • Fitness classes
  • P.A.C.E. (People With Arthritis Can Exercise)
  • Yoga
  • Rock Steady Boxing

These are inclusive and supportive environments that are a perfect chance to meet new friends. The shared experience of working together in your journey to better health is an excellent place to start.

Meet Your Neighbors

At Bethany Village, your neighborhood is a treasure trove of potential friendships just waiting to be discovered. Getting to know your neighbors isn’t just about fostering a sense of community—it’s a way to build a meaningful connection with the people around you and develop a support system in your life.

A group of senior friends outdoors laughing with their arms around each other's shoulders.

We always encourage residents to forge friendships with the people around them. From community cookouts and street dinners to music classes and faith-based programs, you can build a vibrant, loving network of friends and a fulfilled lifestyle.

Take a Class

Lifelong learning is a beautiful way to keep your mind sharp, and it’s an extremely effective way to meet new people. Many colleges and community centers offer courses specifically designed for older adults. There’s bound to be a class that piques your interest, so why not try to learn more about:

  • History
  • Art
  • Cooking
  • Technology
  • Music

Taking a class provides a structured environment where you can interact with others who share your enthusiasm for learning. This environment is incredible for getting to know people with a similar interest, and the friendships aren’t limited to the classroom.

Volunteer in the Community

Volunteering is a fulfilling way to give back to your community—all while meeting new people looking to make the world a better place. There are plenty of organizations that look for older adults to share their experience, wisdom, and support.

Try to think of a cause that hits close to your heart. You can use your passion to support causes such as:

  • Nearby food banks
  • Animal shelters
  • Local schools

The shared experience of making a difference can create strong bonds and lasting friendships. Meanwhile, by contributing your time and skills to a worthy cause, you can enrich your life and the community around you.

In fact, you can make a difference right here in your own community. Here at Bethany Village, residents in independent living can volunteer to offer companionship and take those in our long-term care area on walks outside through the community. 

You’ll be able to bond with the people around you and make their day a little brighter. And who knows—you might even make a new friend while you’re at it. So why not make a difference right at home?

Utilize Technology

In today’s digital age, it’s easier than ever to meet people like you. Technology offers endless possibilities for connecting with others—from social media to online forums, you can always find a way to meet new people.

Start by joining an online community that lines up with your interests. Consider your hobbies and the things that you find fascinating; there’s likely an online group where you can share your experiences, connect with others, and learn something new about your favorite pastimes. You can even video chat with people who share your passions, making it possible to socialize and build new friendships from the comfort of your own home.

Make the Move to Senior Living

Sometimes, the easiest way for older adults to make new friends is to make the move to a senior living community like Bethany Village. In our community, you can thrive in an environment designed to foster strong connections and lifelong friendships. Schedule a visit with us today—your future friends are waiting for you!

Written by Abby Eshbaugh

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