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Category: Senior Living

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Summertime Activities for Seniors

Summer is a season of warmth, sunshine, and vibrant outdoor activities. Engaging in summer activities is fun and crucial for maintaining physical health, mental acuity, and social connections. At Bethany Village, we believe in creating enriching experiences for residents that enhance their well-being and enjoyment.  Horticultural Therapy (AKA: Gardening!) Gardening is a therapeutic activity that […]

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How Music Therapy Supports Seniors at Bethany Village

We’re all probably familiar with how music can affect our mood, making us feel happy, relaxed or more energized, and even remind us of a loved one, depending on the tune. When it comes to health care settings, specialists, called music therapists, use this healing power of music to help those in their care. What […]

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The Benefits of Choosing Memory Care Sooner Than Later

A senior living resident sitting in the commons area of a retirement community

Navigating a dementia or Alzheimer’s diagnosis with your loved one takes special care. Seeking memory care can offer the structured support and therapies needed to help sustain independence for as long as possible. The care required by those with dementia often surpasses what family caregivers can offer without leading to overwhelming burnout. Choosing a safe, […]

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