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Living With Diabetes – Tips from Kettering Health Network

Understanding Diabetes’ Impact on Seniors in Dayton, Ohio According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA), over 25% of Americans 65 and older have been diagnosed with diabetes. Bethany Village and Kettering Health Network’s Joslin Diabetes Center recently held an outreach event to educate residents about the identification, prevention and management of diabetes. Alison Studer, BSN, […]

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Bethany Residents Participate In Veterans Voices Project

Nine veterans, all Bethany Village residents, recently participated in the Veterans Voices Project. The project is a combined effort by Wright State University’s Veteran and Military Center and NPR affiliate WYSO. Residents Robert Siebenthaler, Paul Ross, Buell Hoagland, Joe Minnich, Paul McClain, Bob Oppenheim, Dave Cottrill, Robert Eisenach and Don Hamrock all agreed to video […]

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Bethany residents volunteer; help UD graduate students

The classic vision of life in a retirement community is a picture of tranquil relaxation. And, while the residents of Bethany Village are no strangers to the perks of a bucolic lifestyle, a long history of volunteerism among our residents proves that seniors in Dayton see retirement as an opportunity to give back as well as kick back. […]

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Celebrating Big Love on National Parents Day

Celebrating Big Love on National Parents Day In 1994, President Bill Clinton signed into law a unanimously adopted resolution from the U.S. Congress to establish National Parents Day. The new day of commemoration was designed to promote unconditional love and parental values for families across the United States. Bethany Village is home to many of […]

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