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Category: Senior Living

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Signs It’s Time to Move from Assisted Living into a Nursing Home (Skilled Nursing)

Supportive care taker embracing an older woman in a senior living community.

A transition from assisted living to skilled nursing, also known as a nursing home, can be necessary for seniors who have increasing medical needs, decreasing mobility, and a need for more daily support.  A Skilled nursing community provides around-the-clock medical care, ideal for those who require more intensive health support than assisted living can offer. […]

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12 Fun Things to do With Grandparents

Grandparents pick out honey at a local market with their grandchild.

Time spent with grandparents is precious. It represents a unique opportunity to share stories, laughs, and moments that create lifelong memories.  Engaging with your grandparents doesn’t need to be complex—sometimes, the simplest activities are the ones that we end up cherishing the most. From culinary projects to revisiting family history, there are endless ways to […]

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Summertime Activities for Seniors

Summer is a season of warmth, sunshine, and vibrant outdoor activities. Engaging in summer activities is fun and crucial for maintaining physical health, mental acuity, and social connections. At Bethany Village, we believe in creating enriching experiences for residents that enhance their well-being and enjoyment.  Horticultural Therapy (AKA: Gardening!) Gardening is a therapeutic activity that […]

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