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The ‘Big Move’ Can Stir Up Many Emotions

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Under any circumstances, moving is wrought with all kinds of stress. But when you are leaving a house you’ve called home for a long time, friends and neighbors whose lives have intertwined with yours, a church that has been a pillar of strength, and a community of people who have made up the fabric of your life – well, it’s just more than anyone can be expected to embrace joyfully. Faced with this kind of profound change, many people need a helping hand to help them make a smooth transition.

The majority of people who move to Bethany have been in their homes for more than 30 years. The house itself is like a family member. That’s a lot of memories – and often meaningful personal possessions – to leave behind. And when the transition is rushed, there is even less time to prepare for the move emotionally.

To help make moving easier for new residents, Bethany Pastor Bob Ashburn established a moving transition support group here at Bethany. The group had its first meeting in September, and although it was small, feedback was positive.  The group will become the "first stop" for new residents wanting to balance their feelings of loss with their anticipation for a happy future Bethany.

We encourage open discussion so people can share their coping strategies and learn they are not alone in feeling sad or even fearful about making such a dramatic change. The goal of the support group is to help residents learn that nothing will – or should – replace their memories. And most of all, they can find new friends, new traditions, and lots of fun, peace and joy at Bethany Village.

If you have a question about Bethany’s moving transition group or want more information, please write a comment and we will contact you.

Written by Bethany Village

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