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5 Reasons Independent Senior Living May Be Right for You

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independent senior living funThe way we live changes with every stage of our lives. As we become older, what appealed to us in a home – plenty of room for the kids, lots of projects to work on, a big yard with a high maintenance garden – may no longer fit our lifestyle. With the kids all grown up and your energy levels winding down, it may be time to look for an alternative living arrangement.

Many seniors who have found themselves in this situation turn to independent senior living. independent senior living is for those who would still like to live an independent life, but are looking for less maintenance, less hassle, and more freedom to socialize and entertain.

Is independent living right for you? Here are some questions to ask yourself: 

Are you able to maintain your current home? While we all struggle to stay on top of household maintenance from time to time, it’s important to be honest with yourself about your ability to maintain your home. Are you able to keep up with house painting, lawn mowing, and heating and cooling maintenance? Will you soon have to have your roof or siding replaced, incurring huge costs? If all of these issues are starting to make you feel tired or worried, an independent living community which takes care of grounds and interior/exterior maintenance for you may be a good option.

Do you have any chronic health issues? Chronic health issues like diabetes, heart disease, and Parkinson’s disease may not seem to affect your quality of life much now, but as they progress, they may become more difficult to manage. Juggling multiple medications, doctor appointments, and everyday tasks like showering, shopping, and preparing meals may become difficult. Exploring your living options now and preparing for times when you need to call on a little more help will pay off big later.

Do you have easy access to safe transportation? If you have been getting into more fender-benders recently, or your doctor has certified that it is not safe for you to operate a vehicle, you may need to look into other modes of transportation. Most independent living communities offer transportation services to residents. If you find yourself increasingly reliant on others for transportation, moving to a community with these services may be a good choice for you.

How safe do you feel in your current home? Living in an isolated rural area, or in a rough neighborhood, can be especially dangerous for seniors. If something happens to you, are you confidant that help would come in time? Is there someone nearby you can call on in an emergency? If you are feeling unsafe or anxious in your own home, it may be time to look for alternatives in a community built with your needs in mind.

Do you feel isolated from friends and family? As friends and family move away and transportation options become more limited, you may find that you feel cut off from the wider world. Many studies have shown that the strength of our personal relationships are key to living longer, happier lives. If you are feeling isolated, it may be time to consider an independent retirement living community, which offers numerous activities and opportunities for socializing with your peers. You may even want to choose a community that is closer to where family members have settled, or one where you already have friends.

Written by Bethany Village

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