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Seniors and Obesity

Bethany Village is dedicated to building awareness wiyh readers. The Gallup-Healthways Well-being Index recently collected data and studied obesity over several age groups, including the elderly. Researchers use the information to study how Americans maintain health and nutritional needs while aging. Researches discovered that obesity is increasing in all populations in America, including the elderly. In […]

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Alzheimer’s Association Launches Social Networking Community

These days, you hear a lot about social networking. Residents at Bethany Village report using Facebook and Skype to stay in touch with their grandkids… and some are even getting into Twitter and Pinterest! Now, the Alzheimer’s Association has launched a whole new kind of social networking platform. Called ALZConnected, the site is 100% dedicated […]

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September Is World Alzheimer’s Month

September is World Alzheimer’s Month. Worldwide, 35 million people and their families are affected by Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. Bethany Village is currently in the middle of an entire week of special events geared toward raising awareness for Alzheimer’s. Our campus trees are currently adorned with purple ribbons. Caregivers will enjoy a […]

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