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Bethany Village Reminds Everyone To “Color Me Healthy!” During National Nutrition Month

Each March, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND) urges Americans to recognize the importance of making informed food and nutrition choices. National Nutrition Month reminds us about the basics of healthy eating. From my perspective as a dietitian at Bethany Village, I encourage you to add color to your meals. Colorful fruits and vegetables […]

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Alzheimer’s Awareness Week at Bethany Village

All this week, staff and residents of Bethany Village are engaging in a wide array of activities related to Alzheimer’s disease. The week is an effort to raise awareness about the disease and pay tribute to those affected. Residents are taking part in both fun and reflective activities. For example, caregivers and residents alike walked […]

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Fighting Alzheimer’s Disease… with Vanilla Milkshakes

What if a vanilla milkshake could help ease the effects of Alzheimer’s disease? Axona, the manufacturer of medical milkshakes, funded a clinical trial that provided some promising results. Researches found that patients who consumed the medical milkshakes found short-term positive effects in cognition and memory. Still, researchers caution that there isn’t enough evidence to conclusively […]

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