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Fighting Alzheimer’s Disease… with Vanilla Milkshakes

What if a vanilla milkshake could help ease the effects of Alzheimer’s disease? Axona, the manufacturer of medical milkshakes, funded a clinical trial that provided some promising results. Researches found that patients who consumed the medical milkshakes found short-term positive effects in cognition and memory. Still, researchers caution that there isn’t enough evidence to conclusively […]

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Technology Brings Bethany Residents and Families Together. Why Not Reach Out and Skype Someone?

If you feel like you’re sitting on the sidelines while the communications technology parade marches by, listen up. One of the most popular video/voice calling technologies – Skype – may be all it takes to get you in on the fun.  It’s popular here at Bethany Village where the first resident used Skype two years […]

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Faces in Aging

For some people, art is a profession. For others, a hobby. For Arlene de Silva, it’s a passion. Arlene is the featured Artist of the Month at Bethany Village. Her display is a collection of individual photo portraits in an exhibit titled “Faces in Aging.” The pictures are candid, real. In her own words: “So […]

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