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Category: Health & Wellness

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What Does a Home Health Nurse Do On Their Visits?

An older adult in a green button-up smiles as their nurse hugs them by the shoulders during a home visit

When an older relative experiences a change in health or needs to recover after surgery, many families take the responsibility of caring for their loved one upon themselves. Home health nurses provide families with additional support so that their loved ones can continue living in their home.  Nurses take a personal and individualized approach to […]

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What Causes Dizziness in Seniors?

A senior woman sitting at the edge of her bed trying to comfort herself after a dizzy spell

It can lead to falls, injuries, and a serious dip in your quality of life. But what exactly causes these dizzy spells? Inner ear problems, cardiovascular issues, and certain medications are common culprits. Dehydration, nutritional deficiencies, and neurological conditions may also play a part. Even stress and anxiety can lead to dizziness.  Understanding these causes […]

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Summertime Activities for Seniors

Summer is a season of warmth, sunshine, and vibrant outdoor activities. Engaging in summer activities is fun and crucial for maintaining physical health, mental acuity, and social connections. At Bethany Village, we believe in creating enriching experiences for residents that enhance their well-being and enjoyment.  Horticultural Therapy (AKA: Gardening!) Gardening is a therapeutic activity that […]

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Memory Exercises for Aging Minds

A senior woman working on a sudoku puzzle book

As we grow older, cognitive function and memory may decline, presenting unique challenges. Memory exercises can be beneficial in slowing the process. What Are Memory Exercises? Memory exercises, or brain exercises, are activities designed to stimulate cognitive function and enhance memory. These exercises challenge the brain to process information, solve problems, and engage in creative […]

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How Music Therapy Supports Seniors at Bethany Village

We’re all probably familiar with how music can affect our mood, making us feel happy, relaxed or more energized, and even remind us of a loved one, depending on the tune. When it comes to health care settings, specialists, called music therapists, use this healing power of music to help those in their care. What […]

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Rehab After Surgery

After surgery, injury or a hospital stay, we all need time to recover. The Bethany Rehabilitation Center (BRC) provides short-term skilled nursing care and therapy for individuals who aren’t ready to return home after discharging from a hospital. If you have a scheduled surgery or hospital stay, you can plan ahead for your post-hospitalization care including […]

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