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How to Use Video Chat to See More Family This Christmas

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Special guest post from Kathy Klein, CDP, Life Enrichment Team Leader, Bethany VillageLaughing family, senior parents and their adult son, using a tablet PC.

The holidays are a great time to connect with family and friends. However, hectic holiday schedules can make these connections difficult. But now, through the magic of technology, you can visit with family and friends without ever leaving the comforts of your own home.

Here are some ways to connect with your loved ones both far and near using existing devices and applications:

Facebook: This free and easy app can be downloaded on all Apple iPhones and Android devices as well as your PC or Mac. Simply go to to set up an account. Here you can talk with friends and family, share photos, and play games.

Skype: With Skype you can talk to and see your family or friends in real time through your computer or from your iPhone or Android device. You will be able to see your loved ones and talk to them just as if you were in the room with them. There are two ways to access Skype. The first is to go to and download the software. Or, download the app from your iPhone or Android app store. If you are using Skype from your desktop computer, you will need a camera. Cameras can be purchased at most big box stores for around $20-30. The site will give you step-by-step instructions on how to set up an account and get started. The only downside to this is that each party must have the appropriate equipment, such as the program or app, and a camera to be able to chat.

FaceTime: If you and your loved ones both have Apple iPhones, you can chat with them face to face simply by clicking the FaceTime icon. Did you know with FaceTime, your loved ones can be part of the action wherever you might be? Recently, my son and I took a trip to Princeton University. We were so in awe over the beautiful buildings and the architecture that we wanted my husband and other kids at home to experience the beauty as well. So we pulled out our iPhones and used FaceTime to connect with them. We were able to flip the phone around so that they could see exactly what we were seeing! It was an amazing experience. For all you Android users, there are apps for you as well such as Google Hangouts, Skype, and Viber. Simply go to their site and download the application to your phone or the program to your PC. Remember that if you are using a desktop computer you will need to purchase a camera.

With the magic of today’s technology, you are never really alone at the holidays. Your family is now just a click away.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from all of us at Bethany Village.

Written by Bethany Village

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