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Bethany Village Resident and Family Fun Carnival

On Saturday June 14, Bethany Village hosted their annual carnival for residents, employees and employee’s families during a beautiful day full of sunshine. The carnival’s petting zoo featured several goats, a sheep and an alpaca that thrilled children of all ages. Cakes, donated by staff, were then given out during a cake walk. Carnival games […]

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Garden Walk of Bethany Village

Our Bethany Village is home to many beautiful gardens across our 100 acre campus. Gardening is a favorite pastime of many of our residents. To highlight some of the spectacular gardens to residents of varied abilities a special ‘Garden Walk’ event was planned. Residents met together and then boarded our Bethany Village transportation buses to […]

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Alzheimer Association essentiALZ certification comes to Bethany Village

Dedicated to our philosophy of Faithful Caring and employing the highest qualified professionals to serve our residents with the best quality care, Bethany Village is committed to developing and investing in our staff to further their skills. As part of this commitment in January of 2014, Bethany Village began requiring nursing, therapy, social services and […]

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Dr. Patel Featured in Spotlight Column

AMDA – The Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine is running a series of spotlight columns featuring new AMDA Board of Directors members. Bethany Village Medical Director Dr. Meenakshi Patel was recently profiled in the organization’s newsletter. Here is her story. Meenakshi Patel, MD, FACP, CMD, a multi-facility medical director in Ohio, knows how important […]

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High Customer Satisfaction Survey Scores Earned

Customer Satisfaction Surveys by the Ohio Department of Aging and the Office of the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman are conducted biennially by an objective, third party agency that performs face-to-face interviews with residents in each long-term care and assisted living facility. The surveys are designed to measure satisfaction of residents with regard to their quality […]

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‘Senior Strikers’ Wins Nation Senior League Wii Bowling Conference

Bethany residents Evie Billing, Pat Balmer, Bob Shaw and Hazel Patrick bowled their hearts out while having a great time earning a trophy for winning their Wii bowling conference. The team is so competitive and effective that on occasion a perfect game score of 300 is possible. In fact, Hazel did just that earlier this […]

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Are you a Turkey?

Get three strikes in a row on Wii Bowling to earn the honor of being called a Turkey. Bethany Village has four teams participating in a Wii bowling conference through the National Senior League ( that has more than 310 teams participating. Currently, our four teams named Red’s Rollers, Magic Marker, Senior Strikers and Buckeye […]

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Sign Language at Bethany Village

Amber, Life Enrichment Coordinator for Cascade, recently started a new activity called “Learning Sign Language.” The activity idea was born when Amber realized resident Irene was feeling left out of activities and conversations. Irene is deaf. Amber just knew all the other residents (and staff!) wanted her to be included. “I looked up some basic signs […]

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