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Safe and healthy gardening: More gain, less pain

Gardening activity holds the promise of great rewards, but also risks to our health, says Exercise Physiologist Craig Cole, who advises residents concerning physical fitness in the Bethany Village retirement community in Centerville, Ohio. Here’s Craig Cole on the WDTN-TV 2 Noon “Living Dayton” program on Monday, June 24, and a July 4 story in the Dayton […]

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How to handle the heat – especially if you are older

Handling the heat becomes especially important for older persons and infants as the summer temperatures soar. “We can all reduce the risk of heat stroke or other serious problems by following a few precautions,” says Bonnie Smith, Administrator of Graceworks at Home, which provides skilled and personal care for older persons in their homes in […]

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Want good exercise? Go dig in your garden, says Bethany Village fitness expert

You can walk, work and play your way to fitness. What better way than by gardening? Every day, Exercise Physiologist Craig Cole advises residents of the Bethany Village retirement community, Centerville, Ohio, how to use the well-equipped fitness center to maximum effect for healthy living. But gardening can also yield great results, he says, particularly for older adults. […]

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You can have fun with fitness

With a walk around the lake, a Tai Chi class, nutrition ideas, health screenings, Brain Games, musical exercise and a gardening exercise presentation, Bethany Village residents celebrated National Senior Health and Fitness Day on May 29. View slide show below. Led by the Bethany Village exercise physiologist, nutritionist, music therapist, nursing staff and life enrichment […]

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Veteran remembers those who sacrificed for ‘our cause’

“Our cause was independence, liberty and freedom. That cause prevails yet today.” As Memorial Day approaches, Marion Hoffman remembers those who flew with him, survived POW camp with him, those who came back from war and all who made the supreme sacrifice throughout the years for “our cause.” “We lost four good men that day,” […]

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