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Science Points to Brain “Pacemaker” As Possible Solution In Dementia Fight

The first patient in the U.S. has undergone a delicate surgery to try and bring to an end the effects of dementia. The pacemaker-like device, which uses deep brain stimulation, involves drilling holes into the skull to implant wires into the fornix on either side of the brain. The idea is to focus away from […]

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Chaplain’s Corner: December celebrations

Bethany Village‘s Pastor Bob Ashburn reflects on December holidays. Residents of Bethany Village enjoy many celebrations during the month of December.  December is called the holiday season when we are filled with love and peace during this wonderful time of year.   But we don’t just celebrate Christmas day- there are many holidays to celebrate in […]

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When in Doubt, Throw it Out! Seniors and Food Safety

In the past, going out to eat was reserved for special celebrations. Today eating meals at home has become more of the exception than the rule.  The convenience of pre-prepared meals from a restaurant or grocery store is very appealing to older adults. Eating out with friend and family offers a great opportunity socialize, eat mouth-watering food and forgo […]

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