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Bethany Village Virtual Tour Helps Future Residents Preview Campus

Are you interested in Bethany Village but want to learn a little more about the campus and residential options before visiting in person? Perhaps you live in another town or state. Maybe you are helping mom and dad investigate continuing care retirement communities. Using our new online virtual tour makes it easy to compare Bethany […]

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How Adult Children Influence Mom and Dad’s Decision to Relocate to a Retirement Community out of State

More and more seniors are selecting and ultimately moving to a retirement community in a state other than where they currently reside. Not surprising, one major factor in this decision is the consideration of wanting to be closer to their children and grandchildren. Family is a huge pull on the emotional heartstrings. The opportunity to […]

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What Are You Laughing At?! Bethany Village Residents Enjoy Benefits of Laughter Club

Never underestimate the power of a good laugh.  We’ve heard this many times, yet the older we get, the harder it seems to be to laugh heartily, especially without prompting by a good joke or comedy routine.  We seek opportunities to laugh at or about something, rather than creating them.  Despite this habit, however, research […]

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