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Why Senior Apartments Are a Smart Choice

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Why Senior Apartments Are a Smart Choice

An older couple sitting together on a couch in their apartment while cuddling

Senior living can be enriching and full of life. Apartments designed for seniors allow for independent living within a supportive community of fast friends and staff. There may be a lot of misconceptions about whether senior living is the best choice, but senior apartments can help you alleviate stress, focus on the things you enjoy, […]

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5 Benefits of Apartment Living for Seniors

An older woman holding a cup of coffee in her hands while she sits on her couch, smiling at the camera

Moving on to a new stage of life can be an exciting experience. Finding the right community and living situation for yourself or your loved one to move on to retirement depends on your unique needs. While seniors often have a stand alone home in mind when looking at independent living options, apartment living provides […]

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Why Fewer Square Feet Works for Senior Downsizers

Assisted Living Suite at Bethany Village

Moving into a smaller home isn’t as big of a sacrifice as you might think. Sure, you’re giving up square footage, but you’ll be saving big in other areas. Seven to eight hundred square feet may sound small, but it’s actually the ideal amount of space for seniors who are looking to downsize. According to an estimate provided by The […]

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7 Decorating Ideas for a Senior Apartment

After researching and touring assisted living communities, you’ve helped your aging parent decide to downsize to a senior apartment. Now, it’s time to support your parent through the process of moving into their new space. One of the best ways to ease the transition to assisted living for your parent is by making their apartment […]

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