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Celebrating Holiday Traditions in Assisted Living

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Celebrating Holiday Traditions in Assisted Living

The holidays are a special time to celebrate with family and friends. If it’s your senior parent or loved one’s first holiday season in a new assisted living community, it’s especially important to make sure they feel included in the festivities. Due to health or safety concerns, many older adults need to stay in their […]

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Simple Ways to Show Thanks to Senior Loved Ones This Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is quickly approaching, and it’s the perfect holiday to take time to express gratitude for our family and friends. Are you wondering how you can make this Thanksgiving extra special for the senior in your life? Here are some of our favorite ideas to thank your loved ones and show them how much they’re […]

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5 Things to Know About Assisted Living

As the number of aging baby boomers increases, thousands of older adults are choosing to move to assisted living communities rather than “age in place” at home. But despite its growing popularity, many older adults and their families still don’t know about the benefits of moving to assisted living or understand how it differs from other […]

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5 Common Misconceptions About Assisted Living Communities

Assisted living is rapidly growing in popularity among aging adults, but there are still plenty of myths circulating about what life is really like in an assisted living community. It’s common for seniors to hold onto fears or preconceived notions about assisted living that lead them to overlook its many benefits. The reality is that […]

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