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Steer Clear of Scams This Holiday Season

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Steer Clear of Scams This Holiday Season

The holidays are here! This time of year is filled with joy, giving, and fun with family and friends. However, the holiday season is also when scammers are busier than ever. Each year, scammers come up with new ways to steal money and information from their victims. Contrary to popular belief, older adults don’t fall […]

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Helping Seniors Avoid Holiday Financial Scams

‘Tis the season for shopping, spending, and giving! But beware: the holidays are also prime time for financial scams. Unfortunately, some of the top scams target older adults, who may be particularly vulnerable to the tricks and tactics used by today’s scammers. According to AARP, older adults lose billions of dollars each year to scammers, […]

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Avoid These 4 Holiday Senior Scams

The holidays are a time for celebrating with family and friends, but all too often scammers use the holiday season to target vulnerable older adults. The best way to avoid holiday scams this season is by learning the techniques fraudsters use to take advantage of seniors. Here are the top scams to watch out for […]

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