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How to Make a New Space Feel like Home

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Make a new space feel like home

Any move can be intimidating, but when it comes to moving into a retirement community, the added challenge of downsizing can make moving even more overwhelming.

At Bethany Village, we want to help our residents make their new place feel like home as quickly as possible.  

Here are four tips that will help make your new house, a home: 

Pare it Down

Since this transition often requires downsizing, start by sorting through your belongings and deciding what is the most important to you. If you come across a sentimental item that won’t fit into your new space, consider passing it on to a family member or friend. If they aren’t interested in an item, consider donating it to someone who may enjoy it just as much as you did!

Go Green

Indoor plants are a wonderful way to liven up any space. As a bonus, they can also help to improve the overall air quality in your home. If you already have a green thumb, bring a few potted plants from home. If you are a beginner, try starting with low-maintenance plants, such as succulents.

Here some other plant options that don’t require water every day:

  • Pothos
  • Aloe Vera
  • Snake Plant (also known as Mother-in-law’s Tongue)
  • Jade Plant

Display Photographs and Photo Albums

Fill in blank wall spaces or empty surfaces with framed photographs of loved ones. Bringing in pictures of family and friends is the perfect way to add a personal touch to your new space. Another idea is to put together a scrapbook or photo album highlighting events and other special times in your life. It’s comforting to look at photos from the past, and friends and family members are sure to enjoy looking through your scrapbooks or photo albums when they visit your new place.

Decorate with Meaningful Items

After paring down your belongings to the items that bring you the most joy, don’t keep those special pieces stored away. Now’s your chance to fill your space with your most treasured belongings! Maybe you found a favorite family photo or a special keepsake from a trip. Decorating with the items that make you happy will help to brighten any day.

Welcome home!

At first, the transition to a retirement community can be unfamiliar and a little overwhelming. By embracing the change and surrounding yourself with your favorite things, you’ll be feeling right at home in no time!

If you’d like to learn more about life at Bethany Village, please contact us today. We’d be delighted to answer your questions and provide a tour of our beautiful retirement community.

Written by Bethany Village

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