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The Importance of Fitness for Independent Retirement Living

When it comes to aging well and maintaining our mobility for independent retirement living, it turns out that exercise really is the key. In a 2014 study featuring a group of 1,600 seniors aged 70-89 who were suffering from mobility issues, it was found that the group who participated in regular physical activities dramatically improved their […]

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3 Signs That It’s Time to Move to an Assisted Living Facility

Most of us will eventually need a little extra help to perform everyday tasks in our retirement years. When that time comes, an assisted living facility can offer numerous benefits. Whether you are on your own or looking out for a friend or relative, here are three signs that it may be time to ask […]

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Senior Safety and Retirement Home Living

How safe are you in your current home? Health and safety concerns tend to increase as we grow older. This is especially true for those who live alone. Everyday slips and falls are more hazardous, as our bones become more fragile with age. Seniors may also find themselves the target of scam artists or burglars […]

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How to Compare Senior Retirement Communities

Senior retirement communities are on the rise. But with so many to choose from, how can you narrow down your choices? Today there are a wide number of housing choices available to seniors, but what is appropriate for you or a loved one will largely depend on one’s needs, interests, and available finances. Independent Living […]

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What to Expect When a Loved One Enters a Nursing Home

It’s one of the most difficult decisions that families must make: choosing when it’s the right time to transition a loved one to nursing home care. Because this decision can be so emotional, it’s important to include your loved one in the decision-making process, if possible, and act as their advocate throughout this new phase […]

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5 Surprising Facts About Independent Living for Seniors

If you are able to live independently, why not continue living in your home? For many retirees, the answer is that independent senior living communities offer security, social opportunities, and a maintenance-free lifestyle that many find more desirable than aging in place. 1) Independent living offers a greater sense of community and security. Independent living […]

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5 Retirement Fears and How to Overcome Them

Most of us fear change, especially as we get older. We become comfortable with our routines, our neighborhoods, and our proximity to friends and family. The changes we face after we retire can trigger a number of fears, including fears of loneliness, financial stability, and diminishing health. Here are some of the common retirement fears […]

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