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‘Elder Care: Families on the Brink’ – by ABC News

ABC News recently launched a series called Elder Care: Families on the Brink hosted by Diane Sawyer. The roundtable discussions focus on topics for adult children, specifically, having difficult conversations with mom and dad. Have you ever wondered how to handle sensitive subjects involving aging parents such as driving, medication management, will creation and more? The ABC News […]

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Eat Right with Color

Each March, the American Dietetic Association (ADA) – the nation’s largest group of nutrition professionals – sponsors National Nutrition Month. ADA selects an annual theme that speaks to an important nutritional need among Americans. This year’s theme, “Eat Right with Color,” urges people of all ages to add more colorful fruit and vegetables to their […]

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Testimonials from Actual Bethany Residents

It's one thing to look at a pretty brochure or website to seek out information on continuing care retirement communities like Bethany Village. It's quite another to hear how actual residents describe their life in a retirement community. Recently, some residents were interviewed about life at Bethany. Remember – these are real residents and their […]

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