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Testimonials from Actual Bethany Residents

It's one thing to look at a pretty brochure or website to seek out information on continuing care retirement communities like Bethany Village. It's quite another to hear how actual residents describe their life in a retirement community. Recently, some residents were interviewed about life at Bethany. Remember – these are real residents and their […]

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New Year’s Resolutions for Seniors…and Adult Children

Are you retired and looking to make a move to a senior living community like Bethany Village? Maybe you’re an adult child and you are planning for both your parent and yourself. As we get ready to usher in a new year, give yourself some time to reflect on the past…and what you would like […]

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Life at Bethany Village

Bethany Village, a nationally accredited Continuing Care Retirement Community, has been providing quality senior living to the Dayton community for more than 60 years and was recently recognized as the retirement community of choice in the Dayton, Ohio area. Since 1946, Bethany has devoted itself to faithfully caring for the needs of older adults. Bethany Village […]

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