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Scouting Assisted Living and Nursing Home Options: What to Look For and What to Ask

If you are scouting living options for a parent who can no longer live alone or whose care requires more than a family member can provide, assisted living might be a good option. Bethany Village offers a comprehensive continuum of care that includes independent cottages, villas, and apartments; assisted living apartments, rehabilitation care, and long-term […]

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Ten Tips for Caregivers: When the Caregiver Is You . . . and You’re Caring for a Parent

Care giving for an aging or elderly parent is usually a fairly long-term proposition that may evolve from just checking in every day to actually moving in. Chances are, however, that your parent’s needs will eventually escalate to more than you can safely handle on your own. That’s why it is so important to have a discussion […]

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Bethany Village Virtual Tour Helps Future Residents Preview Campus

Are you interested in Bethany Village but want to learn a little more about the campus and residential options before visiting in person? Perhaps you live in another town or state. Maybe you are helping mom and dad investigate continuing care retirement communities. Using our new online virtual tour makes it easy to compare Bethany […]

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How Adult Children Influence Mom and Dad’s Decision to Relocate to a Retirement Community out of State

More and more seniors are selecting and ultimately moving to a retirement community in a state other than where they currently reside. Not surprising, one major factor in this decision is the consideration of wanting to be closer to their children and grandchildren. Family is a huge pull on the emotional heartstrings. The opportunity to […]

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