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Category: Assisted Living

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Signs It’s Time to Move from Assisted Living into a Nursing Home (Skilled Nursing)

Supportive care taker embracing an older woman in a senior living community.

A transition from assisted living to skilled nursing, also known as a nursing home, can be necessary for seniors who have increasing medical needs, decreasing mobility, and a need for more daily support.  A Skilled nursing community provides around-the-clock medical care, ideal for those who require more intensive health support than assisted living can offer. […]

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How Music Therapy Supports Seniors at Bethany Village

We’re all probably familiar with how music can affect our mood, making us feel happy, relaxed or more energized, and even remind us of a loved one, depending on the tune. When it comes to health care settings, specialists, called music therapists, use this healing power of music to help those in their care. What […]

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Choosing Assisted Living: 5 Questions Your Family Should Ask

An older woman holding a cup of coffee in her hands while she sits on her couch, smiling at the camera

If you’re concerned about the safety of your parent living alone, or if your parent requires more daily assistance than you can provide, it may be wise to begin looking at an assisted living community. In assisted living, residents live independently but receive assistance with daily activities such as medication management, grooming, bathing, and getting dressed. […]

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Transitioning to Assisted Living: What to Expect

A woman takes a walk with her father, down a path while she holds onto his arm

Choosing to move into assisted living is a life-changing decision. The transition extends from the initial conversation to well after move-in is complete. It’s an exciting and transformative time in a senior’s life to get acquainted with assisted living. Assisted living at Bethany Village is a fulfilling next step when independent living is becoming too […]

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