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Category: Downsizing

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Downsizing: Is It Time for Independent Senior Living?

An older couple sits on the floor, cuddling and radiating happiness as they embrace the prospect of moving to an independent living community, anticipating a new chapter filled with shared joy and freedom.

Is your once-joyful home becoming a burden? Climbing stairs is a chore, maintaining a large space is overwhelming, and social interaction has dwindled. You may crave a lifestyle that offers more freedom and fewer physical demands. Downsizing and moving to an independent living community can offer all this. Truly.  Imagine spacious, low-maintenance cottages that free […]

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When to Consider Moving From Independent Living to Assisted Living

A senior couple in independent living considering when they should transition to assisted living.

Deciding when to transition from independent living to assisted living is a significant decision that requires careful consideration of various factors. Assisted living communities offer support with daily activities while promoting autonomy, making them suitable for individuals who need assistance but do not require intensive medical care. Recognizing the signs that indicate a need for […]

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Staying in your home or moving to a senior community? Pros & Cons

Two senior living couples walking together

As you age, there are important decisions to make surrounding your lifestyle. Whether you decide to stay in your home or move into a senior living community, it’s essential that you understand the pros and cons of each option so you can be confident with whatever decision you choose. We’ll discuss how each option impacts […]

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6 Practical Tips to Help Aging Parents Downsize & Declutter

Two piles of clothing during the decluttering process. Left pile has a sign saying keep and the right pile has a sign saying donate.

6 Practical Tips to Assist Your Aging Parents with Downsizing & Decluttering As your parents age, sometimes they can require some extra care or assistance. Your help can take many forms, from helping and supporting them in downsizing and transitioning into a new community to assisting them with getting organized and decluttering their space. Let’s […]

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How to Declutter & Downsize Your Home Effectively

Clothes separated into two piles, one for donation, one to keep.

How to Declutter & Downsize Your Home Effectively Planning a move and getting ready to move into a new community can be hectic. If a move is on the horizon, keeping in mind where you’re moving and the space available is essential. Decluttering and downsizing your home can seem like a tall task, but it […]

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How to Help Your Parents Downsize and Declutter

If your older parents are moving from the family home to an easier-to-maintain apartment or smaller home in a retirement community, you may be tasked with helping them downsize and declutter. Downsizing is often a complicated and emotional process, especially for those who have lived in their home for many years. Fortunately, there are simple […]

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How to Have Conversations with your Parents About Independent Living

Talking to your parents about moving from their longtime home to an independent living facility can be stressful and emotional for everyone involved. Older adults may resist the transition because they feel they will lose their freedom. Likewise, adult children may be reluctant to bring up the topic because they fear their parents’ reaction. However, […]

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