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5 Therapeutic Activities for Seniors with Arthritis

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5 Therapeutic Activities for Seniors with Arthritis

According to the Arthritis Foundation, about 54 million people in the U.S. are diagnosed with arthritis, an umbrella term referring to joint pain and joint disease. The most common form of arthritis is osteoarthritis, a condition which commonly affects older adults and is caused by the cartilage between joints wearing down over time. When osteoarthritis […]

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Balance and Older Adults: 4 Tips for Improving Strength and Stability

Falls and fall-related injuries are one of the most dangerous health risks older adults face today. In fact, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, falls are the leading causes of fatal injury in adults over the age of 65, with one in four older adults experiencing a serious fall each year. […]

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4 Great Benefits of Art Therapy for Older Adults

Whether you’re a professional artist or just enjoy making art as a hobby, we can all appreciate the therapeutic process of creating. Art therapy was born out of the idea that art and creative expression can help people improve their mental, physical, and emotional health and overall well-being. In art therapy, people are guided by […]

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How Do Social Connections Keep Seniors Healthy?

Most of us know that exercise and nutrition are important factors in healthy aging, but did you know that strong social connections are also linked to better health outcomes? Studies suggest that social interaction leads to improved physical and mental health in people of all ages. Some of the specific health benefits of social interaction […]

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Independent Living vs. Assisted Living: Which Option is Right For Your Parent?

We all want our parents to be safe and healthy, but there comes a time when “aging in place” is no longer the safest or most realistic option for an older parent. If you’re worried about the safety or security of your parent living alone at home, it may be time to explore the benefits […]

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