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4 Expert Tips for Selling Your Home

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4 Expert Tips for Selling Your Home

The prospect of selling and relocating from a longtime home can be daunting, especially for older adults. Whether you or a loved one are moving to be closer to family, increase safety, or downsize to a smaller home or apartment in a retirement community, there are several ways to make the process of selling your […]

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When is the Best Time to Move to a Retirement Community?

It’s not always easy to know the best time to relocate to a retirement community. The truth is that there is no one-size-fits-all rule, but there are several important factors to consider when making this decision. Here are some of the questions to ask when evaluating the best time to move to a retirement community. […]

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Looking for Love? How Older Adults Are Finding Love in Their Golden Years

Strong, intimate relationships are good for our health and well-being at every age. However, for many reasons, finding a partner after retirement can be challenging. While it’s estimated that as of 2011, 55% of women and 28% of men over age 65 were single, it can still be tough to meet someone new. One the […]

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What are the Most Popular Types of Senior Living Communities?

It’s no secret that there’s a huge demand for senior living and retirement communities as the Boomer generation reaches retirement age. Senior communities are investing in bigger and better campuses, more amenities, and better care programs. So what are the most popular types of retirement communities today? Community first. Older adults prefer retirement communities that […]

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Continuing Care Retirement Community Guide Part 4: Planning for the Future

In the first part of our series on continuing care retirement communities (CCRC’s) we took a look at how to find the right campus for you. Our second part explored the costs and financing options available for residents. Our third installment discussed what happens at a CCRC when and if your care needs change. In […]

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Continuing Care Retirement Community Guide Part 2: Costs and Financing

In the first part  of our series on continuing care retirement communities, we talked about how to find the right community for you, and what you can expect once you arrive. In this part, we’ll discuss the costs of joining and living in such a community, and how you may be able to finance your […]

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How Senior Living Communities Can Reduce Feelings of Isolation & Depression

Growing older doesn’t have to mean being alone, but that’s an all too common reality for many older adults. It’s estimated that as recently as 2010, nearly a third of people aged 65 and older lived alone. Positive human relationships are a vital part of maintaining our overall wellbeing, which is why loneliness can have […]

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The Top 3 Things Older Adults Look for in a Retirement Community

When seeking out a retirement community, there are three common things that many older adults look for. While pricing and proximity to loved ones are always a consideration, the relative importance of these factors will vary depending on one’s needs. However, there are three concerns shared by nearly every person of retirement age who is […]

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4 Ways Senior Living Communities Help Improve Memory

Are you considering retirement village living? It turns out that living in a retirement village isn’t only great for your social life, but can also help improve your memory. As we age, we all experience memory changes. Research shows that our ability to focus and pay attention is reduced over time, and it’s not as […]

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Live Independently into your 80’s and Beyond

Today’s seniors are living longer than ever – and doing so independently. But how? It turns out that good planning and health maintenance are key. Planning for your future – the earlier the better – can help you live independently well into your 80’s. The sooner you make your plans for where and how you […]

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