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How to Compare Senior Retirement Communities

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How to Compare Senior Retirement Communities

Senior retirement communities are on the rise. But with so many to choose from, how can you narrow down your choices? Today there are a wide number of housing choices available to seniors, but what is appropriate for you or a loved one will largely depend on one’s needs, interests, and available finances. Independent Living […]

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Why Demand for Independent Senior Housing Continues to Rise

World age demographics are changing rapidly, and the senior housing market has been hard pressed to keep up. Today, there are nearly 550 million people over the age of 60 worldwide. By 2050, this number will increase nearly fourfold to about 2 billion. What does that mean for the demand for independent senior housing? Should […]

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Senior Living Benefits for Veterans

Are you or a loved one a military veteran? If yes, you could qualify for senior living benefits for your service. Veteran’s benefits are generally available to veterans and their spouses after age 65. Some types, such as a Veteran’s pension, may be used for care and housing. Veterans who are disabled may qualify for […]

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When Choosing Retirement Housing, Plan to Live Longer

We all want to live longer, but as the average lifespan of people in the United States lengthens, how many of us are really financially prepared to live out those additional years in comfort? According to the CDC – barring lifestyle and genetic factors – the average woman turning 65 today can expect to live […]

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Summer Activities for Seniors in Retirement Communities

Are you considering a move to a retirement community this summer? Retirement communities offer a host of activities for seniors, so if you’re looking to join a retirement community, summer is a great time to begin your move! When researching your options, be sure to ask about the year-round activities they offer to residents. Some […]

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How to Choose the Right Nursing Home

We have discussed the differences between assisted living facilities and nursing homes before. But now that you know it’s time to choose a nursing home, how will you decide which is the right one for your loved one? Here are some important considerations when it comes time to start your journey. Assess Your Loved One’s […]

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5 Retirement Community Trends

As more and more adults reach retirement age, retirement community trends have had to change, too. It’s not just design trends, but the communities themselves which need to adjust to new expectations in elder care. Here are some retirement community trends you should expect to see in the next decade: 1) Continuing Care. Continuing Care […]

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6 Moving Tips for Seniors

Most seniors will eventually move out of their homes, either because they want to downsize their current accommodations for health or financial reasons, or because they are moving to an assisted living or senior living community. Is there a move planned in your future? Or a move you’re coordinating for a loved one? Here are […]

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How Older Adults Are Influencing Senior Living Design Trends

In the next ten years, the Baby Boomers – representing over 25% of the U.S. population – will have reached retirement age. As a new generation gets ready for retire ment, we are seeing this demographic influencing senior living design trends. Accessibly for seniors is of great concern for every generation, but will become even […]

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The 6 Things that Top Retirement Communities Have in Common

Are you looking for a top retirement community in your area? It turns out that there are many things that top retirement communities have in common. Consider these seven important factors when researching the right retirement community for you: Social activities. For many, one of the great advantages of moving to a retirement community is […]

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