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What’s the Real Risk of Senior Isolation?

Feelings of loneliness and isolation can pose serious physical and emotional health risks for seniors. According to research on isolation in seniors, 18% of seniors live alone, and 43% report feeling lonely on a daily basis. Luckily, there are ways to recognize the warning signs of isolation, and prevent or reduce feelings of loneliness in […]

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Looking for your next dream home? Explore Independent Living!

As we grow older, it may not be financially or physically feasible to continue living in our long-term homes. There comes a time when your house may become too difficult to maintain and clean, or perhaps living in a two-story home is no longer comfortable due to your changing physical health needs. Luckily, downsizing is […]

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4 Ways Physical Rehabilitation Services Help Seniors

After you or a loved one has surgery, becomes ill, suffers a stroke, or experiences any other type of accident or injury, it is customary for a doctor to prescribe some sort of rehabilitation service. Some retirement communities offer these services right on campus, enabling seniors to get back on their feet in a caring, […]

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4 Ways Senior Communities Can Provide Support

It is human nature to seek the support of a community, especially as we grow older. In fact, strong social ties are vital to our physical and emotional wellbeing. The good news is that creating and maintaining relationships is easy in a senior community. Here are some of the ways senior communities can provide a […]

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How to Have Conversations with your Parents About Independent Living

Talking to your parents about moving from their longtime home to an independent living facility can be stressful and emotional for everyone involved. Older adults may resist the transition because they feel they will lose their freedom. Likewise, adult children may be reluctant to bring up the topic because they fear their parents’ reaction. However, […]

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