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Bethany Village Nursing Care Mentors Program

During the on-boarding of new staff Resident Care Technicians (RCT) receive extensive training, Karen Webb, Nursing Orientation Coordinator, recognized that new employees could use further support and assistance after they start working.  She felt that they could use a helpful hand to further welcome them onto the care team as well as ramp up their […]

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St. Patrick’s Day ice cream social

The fun-loving residents of Bethany Village Vista Place apartments and Bethany Village Cottages celebrated St. Patrick’s Day with an old fashioned ice cream social.Joan St. John and Virginia McKee cheerfully greet other residents as they entered Vista Place Lounge to celebrate. They, along with the help of Kathy Klein, Bethany Village Life Enrichment Team Leader, […]

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Senator Sherrod Brown Visits Bethany Village, Discusses ‘Improving Access to Medicare Coverage Act’

Today, Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) visited Bethany Village announcing his bipartisan legislation Improving Access to Medicare Coverage Act. The bill is a quick fix to a loop-hole in current Medicare legislation in which all hospital stays are covered for seniors regardless if the stay is deemed for “observation status” or “inpatient status.” Currently, “observation status” […]

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November Is National Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month

National Alzheimer’s Disease Month was first designated by President Ronald Reagan in 1983. This year,  President Barrack Obama issued a proclamation, marking the month, asserting America’s desire for research which will one day cure the disease. The text of that proclamation follows: “Alzheimer’s disease is an irreversible and progressive brain disease that slowly erodes precious […]

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