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Category: Independent Living

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Downsizing: Is It Time for Independent Senior Living?

An older couple sits on the floor, cuddling and radiating happiness as they embrace the prospect of moving to an independent living community, anticipating a new chapter filled with shared joy and freedom.

Is your once-joyful home becoming a burden? Climbing stairs is a chore, maintaining a large space is overwhelming, and social interaction has dwindled. You may crave a lifestyle that offers more freedom and fewer physical demands. Downsizing and moving to an independent living community can offer all this. Truly.  Imagine spacious, low-maintenance cottages that free […]

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When to Consider Moving From Independent Living to Assisted Living

A senior couple in independent living considering when they should transition to assisted living.

Deciding when to transition from independent living to assisted living is a significant decision that requires careful consideration of various factors. Assisted living communities offer support with daily activities while promoting autonomy, making them suitable for individuals who need assistance but do not require intensive medical care. Recognizing the signs that indicate a need for […]

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Why Senior Apartments Are a Smart Choice

An older couple sitting together on a couch in their apartment while cuddling

Senior living can be enriching and full of life. Apartments designed for seniors allow for independent living within a supportive community of fast friends and staff. There may be a lot of misconceptions about whether senior living is the best choice, but senior apartments can help you alleviate stress, focus on the things you enjoy, […]

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What’s the Difference Between Independent Living vs. 55 Plus Communities?

A middle-aged couple relaxing together at home with the wife lying back against her husband as she reads a book while he surfs the internet on a tablet

You may be surprised by the number of housing and lifestyle options available to older adults today. However, this doesn’t always make it easier to decide the type of living situation that’s right for you or a loved one.  There are many factors to consider when choosing where to settle and enjoy your golden years. […]

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Staying in your home or moving to a senior community? Pros & Cons

Two senior living couples walking together

As you age, there are important decisions to make surrounding your lifestyle. Whether you decide to stay in your home or move into a senior living community, it’s essential that you understand the pros and cons of each option so you can be confident with whatever decision you choose. We’ll discuss how each option impacts […]

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Long-Distance Caregiving for Aging Parents: How to Plan for the Future Together

Caring for an aging parent or loved one can be challenging, but it’s even more difficult when you live in another city or state. According to the National Institute on Aging, if you live more than an hour away from a person who needs your care, you’re a long distance caregiver. Like local caregivers, long-distance […]

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What’s the Difference Between Independent Living and Assisted Living?

It’s a common question: What’s the difference between independent living and assisted living? While these two types of senior living may sound similar, there are some key differences to note. If you’re beginning to search for the right senior living option for yourself or a loved one, understanding the basics of independent and assisted living […]

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What Is It Like to Live in a Retirement Community?

A group of seniors sitting together in a retirement community

A number of people are choosing to live in retirement communities today. These residences range from high-end hotel types to basic apartments, with a wide variation in cost and facilities. Some are for those who don’t need many services, and others cater to seniors with specific requirements.  If you or a loved one is looking […]

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