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What if Your Parents Need Different Levels of Care?

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What if Your Parents Need Different Levels of Care?

We all want the best for our parents, especially as they grow older. You might be prepared to find care for your parents when they need a little extra help, but have you considered what happens if Mom and Dad have different care needs? Senior care is a continuum, which means that your parents could […]

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What to Look for When Visiting Continuing Care Retirement Communities

Continuing care retirement communities, or CCRCs, are a popular choice for older adults looking to downsize their current homes. Unlike other types of standalone senior living facilities, CCRCs offer all levels of senior housing on the same campus, including independent living, assisted living, skilled nursing care, and often memory care for seniors living with Alzheimer’s […]

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What are the Benefits of a Continuing-Care Retirement Community?

Continuing-care retirement communities (CCRCs) offer a range of housing options including independent living, assisted living, and nursing home care, all on the same campus. CCRCs make it possible for older adults to “age in place” by allowing residents to remain in one central location as their healthcare needs change over time. As you explore your […]

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Continuing Care Retirement Community Guide Part 4: Planning for the Future

In the first part of our series on continuing care retirement communities (CCRC’s) we took a look at how to find the right campus for you. Our second part explored the costs and financing options available for residents. Our third installment discussed what happens at a CCRC when and if your care needs change. In […]

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Continuing Care Retirement Community Guide Part 3: Transitioning Care

In the first part of our series on continuing care retirement communities (CCRC’s) we took a look at how to find the right campus for you. Our second part explored the costs and financing options available for residents. In this installment, we will be discussing one of the greatest benefits of living in a CCRC: […]

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