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Moving a Parent to Assisted Living: Helpful Strategies for a Stress-Free Transition

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Moving a Parent to Assisted Living: Helpful Strategies for a Stress-Free Transition

Moving a parent to assisted living can be an emotionally difficult experience for everyone involved. Your parent might be apprehensive about leaving their home filled with memories. They could also be nervous about getting older, meeting new friends, and adapting to life in a new space. You and your family might be nervous about the […]

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4 Tips for Managing and Preventing Caregiver Stress

According to a 2015 report, about 34.2 million Americans provide unpaid care to an adult aged 50 and older, usually a parent, spouse or other relative. As the primary caregiver, they may provide help with a range of personal care activities for their older loved one, including dressing, grooming, medication management, grocery shopping, meal preparation, […]

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Is Assisted Living Right for My Parent? What to Ask and Look for in the Assisted Living Search

Moving your parent or older loved one to an assisted living facility can be one of the best decisions you make for their overall happiness, health, and wellbeing. But once you’ve determined that it’s time for assisted living, the next important step is choosing the right community. With so many different types of communities available, […]

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How Does Moving to a Retirement Community Make Seniors Happier?

Many adults want to remain in their homes as they grow older, but there comes a time when living at home may no longer be as comfortable, safe, or enjoyable as it once was. Moving to a retirement community gives older adults more than just a place to live, it can also lead to a […]

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5 Therapeutic Activities for Seniors with Arthritis

According to the Arthritis Foundation, about 54 million people in the U.S. are diagnosed with arthritis, an umbrella term referring to joint pain and joint disease. The most common form of arthritis is osteoarthritis, a condition which commonly affects older adults and is caused by the cartilage between joints wearing down over time. When osteoarthritis […]

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5 Signs It’s Time to Downsize Your Home

More and more older adults are choosing to downsize to an independent living community after retirement as a way to save money, free up time, and reduce the stress of owning a larger home. Are you wondering if you should follow the trend and move to a smaller, easier-to-manage space? Look for these clear signs […]

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Unexpected Benefits of Exercise for Seniors

You may already know that regular exercise is a good way to improve heart health, build muscle, and maintain a healthy weight. But did you know that staying physically active can offer additional benefits, including improved mental and emotional health, better sleep quality, and reduced risk of cognitive decline? Here are some surprising benefits of […]

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5 Heart-Healthy Foods for Older Adults

Most of us know the importance of maintaining and protecting our hearts to live longer, healthier lives. According to the American Heart Association, cardiovascular disease is the number one killer of both men and women, with nearly one in every three deaths in America caused by heart disease. However, with age, it’s even more vital […]

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Home Care vs. Assisted Living: Which Option is Right for Your Parent?

If your aging parent needs more assistance in their daily routine than you and your family can provide, it’s probably time to look for additional help. Luckily, it comes to senior care, today’s older adults have more options than ever before. But with so many options to choose from, it can be difficult to determine […]

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Healthy Aging: 6 Brain Health Tips for Seniors

Many older adults experience occasional forgetfulness or lapses in memory, such as misplacing one’s keys or forgetting someone’s name. These minor “senior moments” are common and most of the time aren’t cause for concern. However, contrary to popular belief, significant cognitive decline is not a part of healthy aging. Major memory problems that interfere with […]

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