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Beat the Heat: 6 Summer Safety Tips for Seniors

Summer is a time to enjoy fun and relaxation in the warmer weather. But for older adults, the hot summer months can also present serious health concerns such as dehydration, heat stroke, heat exhaustion, and sun damage. Beat the heat and stay safe this summer with our helpful tips for seniors. Prevent sun damage Proper […]

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5 Thoughtful Father’s Day Activities for Seniors

Father’s Day is Sunday, June 17th, and it’s the perfect time to show the special dad in your life just how much you care. If you’re spending the holiday visiting your father or grandfather in assisted living, you may be wondering how to make the most of your time together. Here are some of our […]

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Easy Summer Skin Care Tips for Older Adults

Taking care of your skin is important at any age, but as we grow older, our skin can become more sensitive and prone to damage. In fact, skin cancer is a major senior health concern, with one in five Americans developing skin cancer by the age of 70, according to the Skin Cancer Foundation. Fortunately, […]

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5 Reasons to Look Forward to Retirement

Retirement is a significant milestone that’s meant to be a reward for years of hard work. But for those who have spent their entire adults lives in the workforce, the thought of retirement can be intimidating. Some seniors wonder how they’ll fill their days once they retire, or worry they’ll become bored or lonely without […]

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Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month: 5 Tips for Promoting Brain Health

June is Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month, a time to show support for the millions of people worldwide who are living with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia-related conditions. According to the Alzheimer’s Association, approximately 5.5 million people age 65 and older are living with Alzheimer’s disease, which is the leading cause of disability and poor health. […]

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Helpful Tips for Visiting a Parent in Assisted Living

After moving your parent to an assisted living community, you may have concerns about how to make the most of your visits. When is the best time to visit? How long should the visit last? What will you say or do together? While there’s no single correct answer to these questions, following a few simple […]

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6 Popular Activities in Retirement Living Communities

Most people know to prepare for the financial aspects of retirement, but not everyone takes the time to plan how they want to spend their retirement years. In fact, some retirees are afraid they’ll become bored or without the structure and fulfillment of a career. The truth is, retirement should be anything but boring! Retirement […]

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What are the Benefits of a Continuing-Care Retirement Community?

Continuing-care retirement communities (CCRCs) offer a range of housing options including independent living, assisted living, and nursing home care, all on the same campus. CCRCs make it possible for older adults to “age in place” by allowing residents to remain in one central location as their healthcare needs change over time. As you explore your […]

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Healthy and Natural Sleep Tips for Seniors

Getting a good night’s rest is one of the most important things you can do for your overall health. Lack of quality sleep has been linked to a variety of health problems, including memory issues, a weakened immune system, weight gain, impaired concentration, and an increased risk of heart disease and stroke. While sleep issues […]

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