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Preparing for Surgery? How Your Senior Living Community Can Help

We all experience some nervousness as we prepare for a major or even minor surgical procedure. As we get older, it often takes us longer to recover, too. Luckily, if you are a resident at a senior living community, you may be at an advantage when it comes to preparing for, and recovering from, a […]

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Simple, Effective Ways to Sleep Better, No Matter Your Age

Along with physical changes, changes in sleeping patterns are a normal part of aging. Older adults often experience insomnia and poor sleep quality, which can cause daytime sleepiness, difficulty concentrating, and mood changes. If you’re dreaming of a better night’s sleep, follow these steps to reduce insomnia and feel well rested, no matter your age. […]

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5 Retirement Planning Resources

Planning for retirement can be a daunting prospect! Luckily, if you or a loved one are nearing retirement, there are many resources available to help you understand your financial, healthcare and lifestyle options. Check out these five retirement planning resources to make your decision-making process easier and prepare you for a carefree, happy retirement. Chart […]

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4 Ways to Strengthen Your Immune System

As we age, our immune systems can weaken, leaving us vulnerable to infections and illness. Older adults are particularly susceptible to contracting respiratory infections such as influenza and pneumonia. The good news is that there are easy, natural ways to boost your immune system by making small changes to your lifestyle. Here are four ways […]

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4 Tips for Moving to an Independent Senior Living Community

Spring is in the air! And for many of us, that means re-evaluating our living situations and possibly planning for a late spring or summertime move. For older adults preparing to move into a new residence, the process of sorting and packing belongings that have accumulated over a lifetime can seem overwhelming. While it can […]

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5 Resident Resources Available in a Senior Living Community

Choosing a senior living community for yourself or a loved one can be one of the most important decisions you ever make.  Among the many benefits of residing in a senior living community as opposed to an isolated home or condo is the wealth of resident resources available for those who choose this option. Depending […]

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