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Welcoming Winter: Cold Weather Safety Reminders for Seniors

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The Taste of Summer: Healthy Summer Snack Choices

Eating a well-balanced diet is an essential part of our overall health and wellness, especially as we get older. In addition to making smart food choices for meals, it’s important to eat wholesome, satisfying snacks throughout the day. Including a combination of fruits, veggies, and protein in your diet is a great way to stay […]

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Celebrate Summer Safely: Warm Weather Tips for Seniors

Summer is a time for rest, relaxation, and fun in the sun. However, the extreme temperatures can also present several health risks, especially for older adults. Help the seniors in your life stay cool and safe this summer with these warm-weather tips: Practice Sun Safety Sun safety is important all year round. However, the risks […]

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Eat the Rainbow! How to Add More Color to Your Diet

Because many colorful fruits and veggies reach peak ripeness in the spring and summer months, now is a great time to experiment with different options and incorporate more color into your diet! […]

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Redefining Aging: Why Having a Positive Outlook is Good for Your Health

“Is the glass half-full or half-empty?” This simple expression is sometimes used to find out if a person is feeling optimistic or pessimistic. Researchers have found that optimists (those who tend to see the glass as half-full) experience less stress and more happiness.   There’s no denying the mood-boosting benefits of positivity, but did you […]

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The Benefits of Meditation for Older Adults

You may have heard that meditation is good for you. But what exactly is meditation, and how can it contribute to healthy aging? Let’s take a closer look at the benefits of meditation for older adults. What is meditation? Meditation has been around for centuries. It is well studied and practiced around the world by […]

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4 Easy Habits to Stay Healthy and Happy at Any Age

We all want to stay healthy and feel our best, no matter our age. Luckily, when it comes to healthy aging, making small lifestyle changes can add up to big results  over time. Studies show that genetics account for just 25 percent of a person’s longevity. This means that adopting healthy lifestyle habits can have […]

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Can Eating These 5 Superfoods Help You Live Longer?

  Keeping a healthy diet is the key to healthy aging, and eating the right foods can protect our bodies against inflammation, infection, and disease. But when it comes to healthy eating, it can be hard to know where to start. Luckily, nutritionists suggest several “superfoods” to help fight against diseases and promote longevity. If […]

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