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Celebrate Summer Safely: Warm Weather Tips for Seniors

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Celebrate Summer Safely: Warm Weather Tips for Seniors

Summer is a time for rest, relaxation, and fun in the sun. However, the extreme temperatures can also present several health risks, especially for older adults. Help the seniors in your life stay cool and safe this summer with these warm-weather tips: Practice Sun Safety Sun safety is important all year round. However, the risks […]

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Important Facts to Know About Age-Related Hearing Loss

Age-related hearing loss (presbycusis) is one of the most common senior health conditions, affecting approximately one in three adults in the U.S. between the ages of 65 and 74. This type of gradual hearing loss can impact nearly every aspect of life, making it difficult for older adults to understand instructions, hear alarms or doorbells, […]

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How to Help Aging Parents Stay Connected with Technology

More and more older adults are embracing the “digital age” as technology becomes convenient and easier-to-use in our everyday lives. According to Pew Research, the number of seniors adopting digital technology is growing at a rapid pace: research finds that four-in-ten adults over the age of 65 own smartphones, and 67 percent of seniors report […]

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Beat the Heat: 6 Summer Safety Tips for Seniors

Summer is a time to enjoy fun and relaxation in the warmer weather. But for older adults, the hot summer months can also present serious health concerns such as dehydration, heat stroke, heat exhaustion, and sun damage. Beat the heat and stay safe this summer with our helpful tips for seniors. Prevent sun damage Proper […]

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Cold Weather Safety Tips for Seniors

Ice, snow, and cold temperatures make the winter months tough for everyone. But for older adults, the winter months can be particularly dangerous. Stay safe this season with these cold weather safety tips for seniors. Staying warm Winter’s bitterly cold temperatures put seniors at risk for hypothermia, which occurs when one’s body temperature drops to […]

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Tips for Visiting Loved Ones at a Senior Care Facility

As the holidays near, many of us will be visiting loved ones at a senior care facility. If you don’t visit often, or if you are bringing grandchildren or great-grandchildren along, it may be difficult to keep the conversation going and ensure that everyone has a good time. To make everyone’s experience more enjoyable, here […]

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5 Retirement Fears and How to Overcome Them

Most of us fear change, especially as we get older. We become comfortable with our routines, our neighborhoods, and our proximity to friends and family. The changes we face after we retire can trigger a number of fears, including fears of loneliness, financial stability, and diminishing health. Here are some of the common retirement fears […]

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7 Summer Safety Tips for Seniors

Summer is officially here, and experts agree that it’s going to be a particularly hot one across much of the globe. Older adults are especially vulnerable to rising temperatures during extreme weather. Those who have poor circulation, high blood pressure, illnesses that cause weakness or fever, or those who take certain medications may be even […]

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