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3 Ways Independent Living is Changing to Better Serve Seniors

Independent living communities offer older adults the chance to maintain their independence in a safe, fun social setting with others their age. As demand grows for independent living communities, more intense competition has driven these organizations to invest in even better care and service for older adults. Here are three ways that these communities are […]

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The Top 3 Things Older Adults Look for in a Retirement Community

When seeking out a retirement community, there are three common things that many older adults look for. While pricing and proximity to loved ones are always a consideration, the relative importance of these factors will vary depending on one’s needs. However, there are three concerns shared by nearly every person of retirement age who is […]

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Holiday Recipes from the 1940’s

At Bethany Village, many of our residents grew up during the 1920’s-1950’s. These were times of unprecedented change in our country and around the world. One of the things that gave everyone comfort then, as now, is a focus on holiday togetherness and traditions. This year we celebrate these traditions by sharing some holiday recipes […]

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What’s the Difference Between a Non-Profit And For-Profit Retirement Community?

As you begin your search for retirement living options, you may discover that there are both for-profit and nonprofit retirement communities, nursing home centers, and assisted living facilities to choose from. When analyzing your choices, be sure to keep the following in mind: For Profit vs. Non-Profit Over 80% of retirement communities are for-profit, and […]

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4 Ways Senior Living Communities Help Improve Memory

Are you considering retirement village living? It turns out that living in a retirement village isn’t only great for your social life, but can also help improve your memory. As we age, we all experience memory changes. Research shows that our ability to focus and pay attention is reduced over time, and it’s not as […]

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Live Independently into your 80’s and Beyond

Today’s seniors are living longer than ever – and doing so independently. But how? It turns out that good planning and health maintenance are key. Planning for your future – the earlier the better – can help you live independently well into your 80’s. The sooner you make your plans for where and how you […]

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Tips for Visiting Loved Ones at a Senior Care Facility

As the holidays near, many of us will be visiting loved ones at a senior care facility. If you don’t visit often, or if you are bringing grandchildren or great-grandchildren along, it may be difficult to keep the conversation going and ensure that everyone has a good time. To make everyone’s experience more enjoyable, here […]

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