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Spring Decorating Tips for Small Spaces

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senior apartment at Bethany Village

Spring is in the air! After a long winter, what better way to celebrate the changing seasons than by freshening up your home’s décor for spring?

If you’ve recently moved into a senior apartment, or if you’re thinking about downsizing soon, you may be wondering how to make the most of a smaller space. We have some tips to help!

Welcome springtime into your space with these easy decorating ideas:

Choose lighter and brighter colors

Interior designers have a secret: to make a room appear larger, decorate in light colors! Lighter shades reflect light better than darker colors, helping to make your space feel more spacious and airy. As you’re looking for spring home décor such as throw pillows, blankets, lamps, and wall art, try to incorporate light hues such as white, cream, or pastels. Hanging a small mirror is another interior design trick to help you maximize the natural light in your space.

Bring the outdoors in

Celebrate nature and spring’s return by starting an indoor herb garden or decorating with potted plants. Indoor plants are known to help purify the air and even provide mood-boosting benefits. If you don’t have a green thumb, faux decorative plants are the next best thing! Another good way to bring the outdoors in is by using botanical-scented candles, room sprays, or essential oil diffusers around your home.

Embrace florals

Nothing says spring like blooming flowers! Liven up your home with floral-patterned pillows, throw blankets, or tablecloths. You could also place fresh (or faux) flowers in small vases to give your space a cheery pop of color.

Ready to find the right space for your retirement lifestyle?

Decorating can be a lot easier in a smaller space than a larger home, especially if you like to switch up your décor for each season.

If you’re ready to “rightsize” and move into a smaller, easier-to-manage space, consider the benefits of retirement community living! Bethany Village offers a variety of residential options to fit every lifestyle, from cozy cottages and villas to spacious senior apartments.

Best of all, we take care of all the maintenance and groundskeeping, so you’re free to focus on what matters most: enjoying your retirement! View our living options or request more information here. We’re always happy to speak with you and answer your questions.

Written by Bethany Village

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