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Capturing Memories: Interview an Older Loved One Today!

Many older adults have fascinating stories to tell about their lives, but they don’t always have an outlet to share them. The next time you visit your loved one, consider setting aside some time to interview them about their lives and memories. Here are some wonderful ways to capture and preserve your loved one’s stories […]

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The Pros and Cons of “Aging in Place”

Many older adults say they want to remain at home as they grow older, a decision called “aging in place.” However, the choice to age in place isn’t always as simple as it may seem. While staying at home has some obvious advantages, there are also several potential downsides to aging in place that might […]

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4 Reasons to Get a Head Start on the Assisted Living Search

Choosing an assisted living community for a parent or older loved one can be a time-sensitive decision. Far too often, family members wait until an emergency arises to discuss the need for assisted living. By this time, their loved one may need more advanced, 24-hour nursing care. This situation can cause families to feel pressured […]

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5 Generation-Bridging Activities to Enjoy with Grandchildren

There’s nothing quite as special as the relationship between grandparent and grandchild. When older and younger generations spend time together, it can lead to incredible outcomes for everyone involved. It’s been shown that interacting with young children benefits older adults’ self-esteem, memory, and communication. And for children, interacting with an older loved one can help […]

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5 Steps to Take When a Parent Needs Assisted Living

We all want our parents to be as safe, healthy, and independent as possible as they grow older. But for most adult children, there comes a point when you realize that living at home is no longer the best option for your parent. If you start to see your parent’s health decline or notice signs […]

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Enjoying Life to the Fullest: Life Enrichment in Senior Living Part II

We all want to live active, engaged lives, no matter our age. For older adults in senior living communities, life enrichment programs provide a wide variety of opportunities for recreation, exercise, social engagement, learning and of course, fun. Here’s part two of our conversation with Kathy Klein, Life Enrichment Manager at Bethany Village, about the […]

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Enjoying Life to the Fullest: Life Enrichment in Senior Living Part I

Living an active and engaged life is important at every age. For older adults in a senior living community, life enrichment programs and activities provide a sense of meaning, satisfaction, and of course, fun. We recently spoke with Kathy Klein, Life Enrichment Manager at Bethany Village, about the many ways that activities and programs improve […]

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