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10 Ways Senior Communities Promote Health & Wellness

A group of seniors putting their hands together

Senior communities are among the most popular choice for older adults who want to continue to live independently. They provide living for seniors with health, wellness, and highly personalized care.  Aging in place is not always an option for many seniors. With age comes many challenges, including health concerns and disability.  Aging well or successful […]

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What Is It Like to Live in a Retirement Community?

A group of seniors sitting together in a retirement community

A number of people are choosing to live in retirement communities today. These residences range from high-end hotel types to basic apartments, with a wide variation in cost and facilities. Some are for those who don’t need many services, and others cater to seniors with specific requirements.  If you or a loved one is looking […]

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6 Practical Tips to Help Aging Parents Downsize & Declutter

Two piles of clothing during the decluttering process. Left pile has a sign saying keep and the right pile has a sign saying donate.

6 Practical Tips to Assist Your Aging Parents with Downsizing & Decluttering As your parents age, sometimes they can require some extra care or assistance. Your help can take many forms, from helping and supporting them in downsizing and transitioning into a new community to assisting them with getting organized and decluttering their space. Let’s […]

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How to Declutter & Downsize Your Home Effectively

Clothes separated into two piles, one for donation, one to keep.

How to Declutter & Downsize Your Home Effectively Planning a move and getting ready to move into a new community can be hectic. If a move is on the horizon, keeping in mind where you’re moving and the space available is essential. Decluttering and downsizing your home can seem like a tall task, but it […]

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5 Reasons to Choose an Assisted Living Community

Older adults are choosing to move to assisted living communities rather than “age in place” at home. Assisted living provides the right balance between supportive care and modern senior living options. Despite its growing popularity, many older adults and their families still aren’t clear on the benefits of moving into an assisted living community. If […]

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5 Benefits of Senior Memory Care

When caring for a senior loved one with Alzheimer’s or dementia, you know the importance of keeping them safe and comfortable. But there comes a point when a person with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia needs may go beyond the abilities of a family caregiver. When this time comes, an assisted living community offering memory care […]

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Why Fewer Square Feet Works for Senior Downsizers

Assisted Living Suite at Bethany Village

Moving into a smaller home isn’t as big of a sacrifice as you might think. Sure, you’re giving up square footage, but you’ll be saving big in other areas. Seven to eight hundred square feet may sound small, but it’s actually the ideal amount of space for seniors who are looking to downsize. According to an estimate provided by The […]

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