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Resources for Alzheimer’s Music Therapy

Resources for Alzheimer’s Music Therapy Graceworks Lutheran Services recently teamed up with Alzheimer’s Association of the Miami Valley to inform the public on the benefits music therapy can have for individuals living with memory conditions. Liz Marsh, Music Therapist at Bethany Village, met with an enthusiastic crowd to deliver a presentation entitled, The Power of […]

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Bethany residents receive card donation

Each month, Kirlin’s Hallmark stores collect card donations for area non-profit organizations. The Dayton Mall Kirlin’s store recently selected Bethany Village as a card recipient. This means Kirlin’s customers donated packs of cards for residents to use free of charge. In all, Kirlin’s and their customers donated over 5,000 cards to Bethany! The management at […]

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Residents Win at LeadingAge Art and Writing Regional Show

Congratulations to Bethany Village residents for another year of hard work and fantastic entries in this year’s Leading Age Art and Writing Regional Show that was held June 25, 2015. Our residents submitted 31 entries and had more than 65 residents who participated winning 9 ribbons. Each entry that won first, second, third, or honorable mention in the […]

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Cooking Smarter for Independent Seniors

On June 10 we welcomed Jane Key, RD, LD, CC from Kettering Health Network Community Outreach Program. She provided great information on the special nutritional needs of seniors and how making some small changes in our daily meal preparation can make a difference. She also addressed many concerns of active seniors including:   how aging impacts nutritional needs […]

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Exercising with Osteoporosis

By Craig Cole, Bethany Village Exercise Physiologist Osteoporosis, a condition of which the structural integrity of our bones begins to deteriorate, is a common condition especially in women. This deterioration increases the likelihood of fractures or breaks in bones if a fall should occur. The most common sites for osteoporosis are the hips, spine and forearms/wrists. Doctors not only […]

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Happy Nurse Appreciation Week

On Friday May 8, Bethany Village celebrated the dedication, hard work and compassion of its nurses through an appreciation event.  It is only through our nurses that our Faithful Caring tenets are carried out each and every day for our residents. “It takes a lot of compassion, knowledge and patience to be a nurse in Long […]

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