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What are the Benefits of a Continuing-Care Retirement Community?

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What are the Benefits of a Continuing-Care Retirement Community?

Continuing-care retirement communities (CCRCs) offer a range of housing options including independent living, assisted living, and nursing home care, all on the same campus. CCRCs make it possible for older adults to “age in place” by allowing residents to remain in one central location as their healthcare needs change over time. As you explore your […]

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National Women’s Health Week: 6 Steps to Promote a Healthy Lifestyle

This week is National Women’s Health Week, led by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office on Women’s Health. Designated to serve as an important reminder for women to make their health a priority, National Women’s Health Week is a time for women of all ages to build positive mental and physical health […]

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6 Mother’s Day Activity Ideas for Seniors

Mother’s Day is nearly here, and it’s the perfect opportunity to spend time with the important women in your life. While your mother or grandmother will be happy just to spend time with you, planning a special Mother’s Day activity is a great way to show your appreciation. Here are a few ideas to help […]

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Nonprofit vs. For-Profit Retirement Communities: What’s the Real Difference?

When you begin the retirement living search for your aging parent, you may find that there are both for-profit and nonprofit retirement communities to choose from. While for-profit and nonprofit communities often offer similar services and features, there are a few major distinctions between the way these types of communities operate. As you evaluate your […]

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Your Guide to Senior Living Options

When it comes to choosing a place to spend their retirement years, today’s older adults have more living options than ever before. More and more seniors are deciding to downsize their current homes to a smaller, more manageable space, whether it’s for added convenience or to escalating health concerns. If you’re starting the senior living […]

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Should You Move to a Faith-Based Retirement Community?

For many older adults, faith is an integral and essential aspect of their lives. When looking for a community to spend their retirement years, an increasing number of older adults are choosing communities that meet their health and wellness needs as well as their spiritual needs. Are you considering moving to a faith-based retirement community? […]

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5 Signs It’s Time to Move to Assisted Living

Moving your aging parent from their home to assisted living is a complicated and often emotional decision. While your parent may insist they can remain living independently, there comes a point where their current living situation may no longer be safe or healthy. Here are some signs that indicate your parent could benefit from moving […]

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5 Springtime Activities for Seniors

Spring is here at last, and there’s no better way to welcome the season than by heading outdoors and trying a new activity! Enjoy the warmer weather and fresh air with these fun springtime activities for seniors. Take a springtime stroll Walking is one of the simplest and most effective low-impact exercises for older adults. […]

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Top Trends in Retirement Community Living

When some people think of senior living, they may envision outdated nursing homes of decades past. The truth is, senior living has changed immensely in recent years to help seniors remain independent for as long as possible. Modern retirement communities are constantly evolving to fit the needs of older adults and provide them with a […]

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5 Questions to Consider When Choosing an Assisted Living Community

Choosing the right senior living option for your parent can be a complicated process. If you’re worried about the safety of your parent living alone, or if your parent requires more assistance than you can provide at home, it may be time to look for an assisted living community. Asking the right questions can help […]

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