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3 Ways Independent Senior Living Communities are Improving Senior Care

Independent retirement communities are booming. With more demand for safe, comfortable housing for seniors, these residences have invested heavily in providing amenities, activities, and accommodations that rival those of any planned community. But each of these residences also takes senior health and safety into account. How are these communities helping to improve the overall quality […]

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How to Have Difficult Health Conversations with Loved Ones

It can be difficult to have conversations about our health at any age. As we grow older and begin to explore retirement living options, we may lose the ability to do things that we used to do, causing us to feel confused, angry, or embarrassed. If you are in the position where you need to […]

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Tips from Bethany Village Exercise Physiologist: Achy Joints? Try moving!

All across the world, a good percentage of people wake up in the morning mumbling and grumbling about their backs being stiff, necks being stiff, shoulders being stiff, and so on. If you are an older adult who experiences achy joints, you are one among many. Sometimes the stiffness can stem from tight muscles around […]

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More than Bingo: Activities at Senior Care Communities

If you’ve started talking to your parents about living in a senior care community, one of the things you’ve probably heard them say is, “What would I do there? It would be boring!” But senior centers and retirement communities have changed a lot in the last decade. Increasing demand for senior care communities has also […]

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Retirement Communities and the Benefit of Pet Therapy

More and more retirement communities today are recognizing the benefits of pet therapy. Here are some things to consider if you’re interested in retiring with your furry friend:  Benefits of Pet Ownership Anyone who has ever had a beloved pet knows the benefits of living with an animal companion. It turns out that science backs […]

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What You Need to Know About Living Independently in Retirement

Are you over 60 and fiercely independent? You’re not alone! Seniors are living longer, healthier lives, and that means many more of them are able to live independently in their retirement years. But what does living independently today really mean? Are there options available if you need a little help? Can retirement communities really accommodate […]

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What are the pros and cons of living in a retirement village?

Today there are more living choices than ever for seniors. Gone are the days when you had to rely on family members to care for you until you qualified for nursing home care. Now there are many ways for seniors to get the lifestyle they crave and maintain their independence for far longer.  The Modern […]

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