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9 Proven Ways to Reduce Stress

Stress remains a constant in our fast-paced society, even in retirement. Absent or busy family members, financial worries, or feelings of loss can trigger ongoing stress that negatively impacts your health. Stress is a natural reaction to sudden, demanding circumstances. But when the stress becomes chronic and ongoing, it becomes a problem. Are you handling […]

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3 Ways to Transform How You Feel About Aging

It turns out that how we feel about aging can actually effect our experience of aging. That’s according to The Wall Street Journal, which says that negative stereotypes about aging can actually be detrimental to our health. This is especially true here in the United States, where negative depictions of the elderly and growing older […]

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How to Choose the Right Nursing Home

We have discussed the differences between assisted living facilities and nursing homes before. But now that you know it’s time to choose a nursing home, how will you decide which is the right one for your loved one? Here are some important considerations when it comes time to start your journey. Assess Your Loved One’s […]

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5 Retirement Community Trends

As more and more adults reach retirement age, retirement community trends have had to change, too. It’s not just design trends, but the communities themselves which need to adjust to new expectations in elder care. Here are some retirement community trends you should expect to see in the next decade: 1) Continuing Care. Continuing Care […]

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6 Moving Tips for Seniors

Most seniors will eventually move out of their homes, either because they want to downsize their current accommodations for health or financial reasons, or because they are moving to an assisted living or senior living community. Is there a move planned in your future? Or a move you’re coordinating for a loved one? Here are […]

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Heat vs Cold Therapy: Which is Better to Soothe those Aches and Pains?

It’s a familiar part of getting older: increasing aches and pains and decreasing stamina. But we do know that with regular exercise and attention to diet, we can stay healthy and mobile for longer. However, it’s still easier for us to overdo it as we age, and when that happens it’s important to know which […]

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