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Emergency Preparedness for Seniors

In the event of an emergency – whether it’s a flood, tornado, power outage, or civil strife – seniors are especially vulnerable. That why emergency preparedness is so vital for seniors. In fact, the American Red Cross recommends that seniors have a support network that they can call on in the event of an emergency, […]

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3 Ways to Protect and Improve Memory as We Age

As we age, the way our brain processes and stores information changes, too. All of us will experience some decline in our cognitive abilities. How much depends on genetics, environment, and lifestyle. Did you know there are ways to slow down cognitive impairment and even improve memory as you age? This is a vital aspect […]

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5 Ways Seniors Can Improve Health Through Nutrition

March is National Nutrition Month, which is an educational campaign developed by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics to encourage people of all ages to make more informed eating choices. As you get older, the way your body reacts to and processes food may change. You may experience a difference in appetite, become allergic to […]

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Functional Movements for You

Exercises. There are literally thousands that target different muscles in various ways. Every fitness professional uses standard, research backed movements as well as creating their own sometimes. For the non-exercise professional, the plethora of exercises can be very convoluted and hard to outline so that it provides maximum benefit. For older adults, challenges begin to […]

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