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Category: Adult Children

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How to Help Your Parents Downsize and Declutter

If your older parents are moving from the family home to an easier-to-maintain apartment or smaller home in a retirement community, you may be tasked with helping them downsize and declutter. Downsizing is often a complicated and emotional process, especially for those who have lived in their home for many years. Fortunately, there are simple […]

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The Do’s and Don’ts of Talking to Your Parents About Assisted Living

One of the most difficult conversations of your life may be talking to your aging parents about moving from their longtime home into assisted living or another senior living option. Your parents may have a stubborn mindset and harbor a different perception of what senior living entails, often confusing assisted living with nursing homes. In […]

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4 Ways Senior Communities Can Provide Support

It is human nature to seek the support of a community, especially as we grow older. In fact, strong social ties are vital to our physical and emotional wellbeing. The good news is that creating and maintaining relationships is easy in a senior community. Here are some of the ways senior communities can provide a […]

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How to Have Conversations with your Parents About Independent Living

Talking to your parents about moving from their longtime home to an independent living facility can be stressful and emotional for everyone involved. Older adults may resist the transition because they feel they will lose their freedom. Likewise, adult children may be reluctant to bring up the topic because they fear their parents’ reaction. However, […]

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How to Start a Conversation About Assisted Living Options

Is it time to speak with a loved one about assisted living options, but you aren’t sure where to start? Talking about assisted living options can be stressful for everyone. Seniors often feel like each conversation about their living options is one in which they are being forced to make a decision that is against […]

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New Year’s Resolutions for Seniors…and Adult Children

Are you retired and looking to make a move to a senior living community like Bethany Village? Maybe you’re an adult child and you are planning for both your parent and yourself. As we get ready to usher in a new year, give yourself some time to reflect on the past…and what you would like […]

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How Adult Children Influence Mom and Dad’s Decision to Relocate to a Retirement Community out of State

More and more seniors are selecting and ultimately moving to a retirement community in a state other than where they currently reside. Not surprising, one major factor in this decision is the consideration of wanting to be closer to their children and grandchildren. Family is a huge pull on the emotional heartstrings. The opportunity to […]

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