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Category: Assisted Living

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Independent Living and Assisted Living: What’s the Difference?

When the time comes to research senior living options for your parent or older loved one, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the senior care terminology. While independent living and assisted living may sound similar, there are fundamental differences between these two senior living options. Here’s a closer look at the key distinctions between independent […]

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Tips for Settling Into Assisted Living

Today’s assisted living communities offer safe and convenient living options for older adults. If you’re planning on downsizing to an assisted living community, you may be wondering how to arrange and decorate your new home. As you settle into assisted living, follow these four guidelines to ensure your new living space is both comfortable and […]

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4 Reasons to Start the Search for Assisted Living

The decision to move to an assisted living community can be a difficult choice for older adults and their families. Assisted living is a great intermediate step for seniors who need more help than their families can provide at home, but families often put off the assisted living search until it becomes an urgent need. […]

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Should You Move to Independent Living Before You Need Assisted Living?

How do you know when the time is right to downsize to a retirement community? Many older adults think there’s no real reason to move into a retirement community unless they require extra support from assisted living. However, this line of thinking can cause seniors to miss out on the many benefits of independent living […]

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What’s the Difference Between Assisted Living and Independent Living?

If you’re just starting to research retirement living options for yourself or a loved one, you may be confused about the terminology. You’re not alone; many people are confused about today’s senior living options and how they differ. However, knowing the key differences between assisted living and independent living is essential to finding the right […]

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4 Things You Didn’t Know About Assisted Living

If you’re just beginning the assisted living search for yourself or a loved one, you may be wondering what to expect. You’re not alone. Many people aren’t clear about what assisted living means, often confusing the term with outdated “nursing homes” of the past. The truth is that assisted living is a relatively new living […]

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3 Myths About Assisted Living

If you’re ready to start the conversation about assisted living with your aging parents, you may have to address their concerns and objections. That’s because many older adults harbor ill-conceived notions about assisted living and retirement communities that simply aren’t true. The words “retirement community” or “assisted living,” may conjure up images of outdated nursing […]

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The Do’s and Don’ts of Talking to Your Parents About Assisted Living

One of the most difficult conversations of your life may be talking to your aging parents about moving from their longtime home into assisted living or another senior living option. Your parents may have a stubborn mindset and harbor a different perception of what senior living entails, often confusing assisted living with nursing homes. In […]

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Get the Facts About Senior Living Options

If you’re just beginning to search for a new living arrangement for yourself or a loved one, you may not be entirely clear on all of your choices, or what they mean. With so much information to sort through, the search for the perfect living arrangement can be overwhelming. To get you started, here are […]

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What are the Most Popular Types of Senior Living Communities?

It’s no secret that there’s a huge demand for senior living and retirement communities as the Boomer generation reaches retirement age. Senior communities are investing in bigger and better campuses, more amenities, and better care programs. So what are the most popular types of retirement communities today? Community first. Older adults prefer retirement communities that […]

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