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The Power of Touch for Older Adults

Touch plays an important role in our lives, at any stage of life. In fact, touch is one of our basic human needs, and one of the first senses to develop in the womb. From the moment we are born, we experience gentle touch that gives us comfort and reassurance and creates an emotional connection […]

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Be Kind to Your Eyes: 6 Ways to Protect Eye Health

Low vision and vision loss from eye disease are rapidly becoming major senior health concerns. According to the National Institutes of Health, by the year 2050, the number of Americans with age-related eye diseases is expected to double, and the number of people living with low vision is expected to triple. But contrary to popular […]

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How to Choose the Best Memory Care for an Older Loved One

One of the most difficult situations a spouse or adult child can face is a loved one with a progressive memory disease like Alzheimer’s disease or dementia. Caregivers may want to provide a home environment as long as possible, but eventually, their loved one’s needs escalate above their ability to manage. At that point, it […]

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Ask an Expert: What’s the Benefit of Physical Therapy for Seniors?

An interview with Matt Cassidy, Director of Therapy Services at Bethany Village When an older adult experiences an injury, an extended illness that requires hospitalization, or elective surgery such as a knee replacement, their doctor will often recommend they receive physical therapy treatment after being discharged from the hospital. Physical therapy helps to improve mobility, […]

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Sweet Summertime: 5 Fruits and Veggies with Unexpected Health Benefits for Seniors

Sweet summertime is here, bringing with it plenty of sunshine and warm weather. Summer is a perfect time to enjoy fruits and vegetables because so many varieties are at their peak of freshness and quality. But did you know that these popular summer fruits and veggies can also offer some surprising health benefits for seniors? […]

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5 Self-Care Tips for Caregivers

It’s estimated that 34.2 million American adults are unpaid caregivers to an older adult, often a spouse, parent, or other relative. Family caregivers help with a range of different daily activities, from dressing, grooming, bathing, and medication management to providing assistance with tasks like housekeeping, grocery shopping, meal preparation, and transportation. But while the level […]

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How Life in a Faith-Based Retirement Community Can Make Your Retirement Years a Blessing

As we grow older, many of us feel our faith has become more important to us. According to Pew Research statistics: 68% of seniors pray daily 53% attend weekly church services versus 39% for the total population. 69% say religion is “very important” compared to 56% of all age groups As you can see, faith […]

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Summer Vacation: Helpful Tips for Savvy Senior Travelers

Summer is finally here, and it’s a perfect time to get away for a relaxing vacation. Whether you’re planning to board a plane to an international destination, hop on a cruise ship, or take a cross-country road trip this summer, check out these travel tips for savvy seniors: Plan ahead Make your vacation a stress-free […]

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Giving Back: The Amazing Benefits of Volunteering During Retirement

Volunteering is a wonderful thing. Dedicating your time and energy to support a charitable cause brings obvious benefits to others, but did you know that giving back can also benefit you as a volunteer? It’s true – volunteering offers numerous mental, physical, and emotional benefits. According to research gathered by the Corporation for National and […]

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How the Great Outdoors Improves Quality of Life for Older Adults

Spending time surrounded by nature has long been shown to have many positive impacts on people. In an age where we spend more and more time indoors and in front of digital screens, finding time to be immersed in nature is essential. Natural settings are not only beautiful, but they also provide valuable opportunities for […]

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