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Fun Winter Activities for Seniors

Winter is here, and for most of us, it means we’ll be spending more time indoors. Because it can be difficult for older adults to get out and about in the cold weather, it’s especially important to help senior loved ones stay active during the winter months. Here are a few fun indoor activities to […]

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Celebrating Holiday Traditions in Assisted Living

The holidays are a special time to celebrate with family and friends. If it’s your senior parent or loved one’s first holiday season in a new assisted living community, it’s especially important to make sure they feel included in the festivities. Due to health or safety concerns, many older adults need to stay in their […]

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Important Facts to Know About Age-Related Hearing Loss

Age-related hearing loss (presbycusis) is one of the most common senior health conditions, affecting approximately one in three adults in the U.S. between the ages of 65 and 74. This type of gradual hearing loss can impact nearly every aspect of life, making it difficult for older adults to understand instructions, hear alarms or doorbells, […]

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Making Home Safer for Senior Loved Ones

Are you concerned with the safety of an older parent or loved one in their current home? As we grow older, our health and safety concerns tend to increase. Everyday slips and falls can be highly dangerous for older adults, and most homes are ill-equipped to accommodate seniors’ changing needs for safety and mobility. If […]

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5 Great Holiday Gift Ideas for Seniors

The holiday season is here, and it’s a perfect time to spread cheer with a thoughtful gift. But thinking of gift ideas for the older adults in your life isn’t always easy. To help with your gift-giving this year, we’ve put together a list of five great gift ideas for senior loved ones: Gift certificates […]

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Helping Seniors Avoid Holiday Financial Scams

‘Tis the season for shopping, spending, and giving! But beware: the holidays are also prime time for financial scams. Unfortunately, some of the top scams target older adults, who may be particularly vulnerable to the tricks and tactics used by today’s scammers. According to AARP, older adults lose billions of dollars each year to scammers, […]

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Home for the Holidays: 3 Things to Do While Visiting Aging Parents

During the holidays, many families will travel from near and far to celebrate the season together. These family gatherings are a perfect time to observe your aging parents and determine if they may need some extra help, especially if it’s been a while since you last visited. Here are some helpful things you can do […]

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Helpful Tips for Researching Retirement Communities Online

Choosing a retirement community is a big decision. Whether you’re looking for yourself or an older loved one, it takes time to research potential retirement communities and find the right fit. Many people begin to search for retirement communities online, but with so many different types of communities offering different amenities, services, and levels of […]

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Addressing Common Fears About Assisted Living

When the time comes to talk to your aging parent about moving to an assisted living community, it’s important to be prepared. Many older adults are apprehensive or fearful about the prospect of moving from their long-term home to a new, unfamiliar environment. Before bringing up the conversation, be sure you’re ready to address any […]

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3 Ways Retirement Communities Encourage Healthy Eating Habits for Seniors

We all know that good nutrition is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. But as we get older, maintaining a healthy, nutritious diet can become a significant challenge. Older adults often experience age-related changes that impact their metabolism, sense of taste, and appetite, which in turn may cause them to skip meals or make […]

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